Templates are HTML documents with special variables that are replaced dynamically during render. Examples of templates in Omega are Emails, SMS text messages and Invoice Footers.
Template Usage
Template variables must be inclosed in double braces, ex {{variable_name}}
Below is a sample template that can be used to deliver a Web Quote result to a customer:
<p>Thank you for choosing {{RetailerName}}.</p>
<h3>Your Vehicle</h3>
<td> </td>
<h3>Your Price</h3>
<p><span class="price">${{invoice_amount}}</span> </p>
Job Variables
Variables for values that are part of a job or invoice
Variable | Description |
account_agent_info | Agent Name for Insurance Agent |
account_agent_phone | Agent Number for Insurance Agent |
account_auth_no | Insurance Authorization number for Insurance type accounts and PO# for Non-Insurance type accounts. |
account_balance_due | Balance amount due for the customer |
account_company | Name of Company tied to Invoice |
account_company_id | ID of Company tied to Invoice |
account_deductible | Amount customer owes |
account_dol | Date of Loss |
account_pid | Safelite parent id |
account_policy_no | Customer's Insurance Policy No. |
agent_name | Name of Company/agent that referred the job |
Attachments | Gives Meta data of Attachments associated with the Invoice, syntax for template:- Attachments_i_note, Attachment_i_type, Attachm,ents_i_url, Attachments_i_category |
billing_account_id | ID of Company/agent that referred the job |
campaign | Campaign for Attribution |
carid | Vehicle ID |
causeofloss | Reason for Insurance claim |
customer_account_id |
customer_address | Address (number and street name) |
customer_alternate_phone | Additional phone number |
customer_city | City of customer |
customer_email | Customer Email address |
customer_email_opt_out | Flag for whether or not the customer has an email address |
customer_fname | Customer first name |
customer_phone | Customer phone number |
customer_policyholder | Customer's Insurance policy holder |
customer_sms | Whether customer accepts SMS messaging |
customer_state | State of customer |
customer_surname | Customer surname |
customer_zip | Customer zip code |
claim_reference | Claim/Loss Reference Number |
date | Date job was invoiced |
date_accepted | Date Insurance company accepted invoice |
date_closed | Date the job was closed |
date_created | Date the job was created |
date_wo | Date the job first became a work order |
dispatch_id | Dispatch number for the job |
freight_cost | Total cost of freight items on the job |
guid |
house_account_authorization |
id | Job number |
inspection |
invoice_addl_rp |
invoice_amount | Total amount for the job |
invoice_balance | Balance amount for the job |
invoice_first_rp |
invoice_no | Job number |
invoice_payment_received | Total of non voided payments received for the Invoice |
invoice_status | NS=Not Submitted, SE=Submitted, AK=Acknowledged, AC=Accepted, RJ=Rejected, PD=Paid, VO=Void |
invoice_tax | Tax amount for the job |
invoice_total | Sum of Invoice amount and Invoice tax |
job_status | RE=Referral, QO=Quote, WO=Work Order, IV=Invoice, CL=Closed, VO=Void |
labor_cost | Cost of labor for the job |
location_id | ID for the location associated with this Invoice/Job |
medium | Medium for Attribution |
mobile_flag | 1 if appointment type is mobile, 0 if not |
notes | Notes on the job |
original_invoice_id | Original Invoice ID for the warranty job |
parts_cost | Cost of Parts on the job |
payment_method | Payment Method |
pricing_profile_id | ID of Pricing Profile used |
processor | Number code for how the company associated invoices jobs: 1-LYNX, 2-SGC Program ID, 3-Email, 4-Fax Number, 5-HSG, 6-GNCS, 7-Teleglass, 8-Manual/printed, 9-Quest |
qb_sent |
referrer | Referrer for Attribution |
ReferrerContactName | Contact Name associated with the Account |
repair_locations | Repair Location |
salesman_1 | CSR Name |
salesman_1_commission |
salesman_1_id | CSR employee_number |
salesman_2 | Dispatcher Name |
salesman_2_commission |
salesman_2_id | Dispatcher employee_number |
salesman_3_id | Biller employee_number |
salesman_4_id | Sales Rep employee_number |
SalesRepName | Sales Rep Name |
SalesRepEmail | Sales Rep Email |
SalesRepPhone | Sales Rep Phone |
SalesTaxRate |
signature | Signature on invoice |
sku | SKU of primary glass part on job |
source |
station | Location number of the location associated with invoice |
TaxDetails | Gives tax information like tax amount, rate, data source, tax source, taxable amount, jurisdiction, breakdown |
time |
vehicle_chips_no |
vehicle_description | Any additional description |
vehicle_make | Car Make |
vehicle_model | Car Model |
vehicle_odometer | Total miles on car |
vehicle_plate | License Plate No. |
vehicle_unit_no | Car No. (within a fleet) |
vehicle_vin | VIN |
vehicle_year | Car Year |
verified_parts_count | 1 when count of part matches Vehicle VIN or when available OEM parts are 1 |
warranty_reason | Reason warranty job is being performed |
Appointment Variables
Variable | Description |
appointment_guid |
AppointmentDate | Date of appointment if present, else TBD (To be Decided) |
AppointmentTime | Time of appointment if present, else TBD (To be Decided) |
AppointmentWindow | Requested start to end time window of appointment if present, else TBD (To be Decided) |
EstimatedArrivalWindow | Estimated time of technician arrival |
ETA1 | Gives 1-hour estimated arrival window if appointment is not in-shop, appointment start time if it is |
ETA2 | Gives 2-hour estimated arrival window if appointment is not in-shop, appointment start time if it is |
ETA3 | Gives 3-hour estimated arrival window if appointment is not in-shop, appointment start time if it is |
ServiceAddress | The address where the service will take place |
ServiceType | Whether the appointment is mobile or in shop |
SurveyURL | Link to survey form after the job is completed |
technician_id | User ID of technician associated with the appointment if any, else N/A |
technician_name | Name of the technician assigned to the appointment |
technician_phone | Phone number of the technician assigned to the appointment |
TechnicianURL | URL a technician can use to get to the job |
Location Variables
Variable | Description |
LocationName | Name of the location associated with this Invoice/Job |
LocationAddress | Street address of the location associated with this Invoice/Job, including city, state, and ZIP |
LocationEmail | Email address of the location associated with this Invoice/Job |
LocationTelephone | Phone number of the location associated with this Invoice/Job |
Other Variables
Variable | Description |
folder | Your Omega account name e.g. "stacysautoglass" |
Logo | Your logo |
RetailerName | Name for Company Profile Contact Person |
RetailerTelephone | Telephone number for Company Profile Contact Person |
message | Used mostly for error messages |
PaymentLink | A link the recipient can click to make a payment for the job |
DepositAmountLink | Like PaymentLink, but the payment will be the job's Deposit Amount. Usually used for pre-appointment earnest money payments |
SafeDriveAwayTime | Gives the Date and Time when the vehicle is safe to be driven away after installation of parts |
VinScanUrl | Generates a URL which allows a customer to update the VIN on a job by scanning the VIN barcode on their car |