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Fees and Rates for Omega EDI Services

Kent Pimentel avatar
Written by Kent Pimentel
Updated over 5 years ago


  •      NAGS License Fee:  $59.95/month per user (with a 1-year commitment)

Licensee shall pay Omega a monthly license fee of $59.95 for each user in the Licensee’s account with access to the NAGS database including but not limited to searching NAGS part numbers and pricing, with the first such monthly payment payable upon creation of any user with access  to the NAGS database and each monthly payment thereafter recurring each month on the date of the account creation. In assigning a user a NAGS License, you agree to pay this fee each month for 12 months. 

  • Non NAGS User Fee: $20.00/month per user

Licensee shall pay Omega a monthly license fee of $20.00 for each user in the Licensee’s account with that is assigned exclusively as a “Technician”, with the first such monthly payment payable upon creation of any user assigned exclusively as a “Technician” and each monthly payment thereafter recurring each month on the date of the account creation.

  • Successful Lookup: $1.00/Successful Lookup

On a weekly basis, Licensee shall pay Omega $1.00 for each Successful Lookup made by a Licensee Customer made during the week for which the payment is applied.  The parties shall adhere to the reporting and billing provisions of the Agreement in that regard.

The above VIN Lookup Service license fees are to be paid by Licensee whether or not Licensee charges a Licensee Customer for the use of Licensee’s services.

Fees do not include taxes.  Licensee shall be invoiced for and shall pay all applicable taxes. 

In the event that this Agreement is terminated for any reason or that any User ceases to receive or utilize the VIN Lookup Service, Licensee shall not be provided with a refund or credit for any VIN Lookup Service Fees.

  • EDI Transaction Fee: $1.00/Accepted Invoice

On a weekly basis, Licensee shall pay Omega $1.00 for each processed invoice what changes to Accepted Status during the week for which the payment is applied. The parties shall adhere to the reporting and billing provisions of the Agreement in that regard.

In the event that this Agreement is terminated for any reason or that any User ceases to receive or utilize the service, Licensee shall not be provided with a refund or credit for any EDI Transaction Fees.

  • Web Quote Licence: $1000/annually

On an annual basis Licensee shall pay Omega $500 for the license to purpose of using of the web quoting service on Licensee’s website.  This fee is non-refundable. 

  • Web Quote Inquiry: $0.40/quote

On a weekly basis, Licensee shall pay Omega $0.40 for each successfully delivered quote from the web service on Licensee’s website during the week for which the payment is applied. The parties shall adhere to the reporting and billing provisions of the Agreement in that regard.

In the event that this Agreement is terminated for any reason or that any User ceases to receive or utilize the service, Licensee shall not be provided with a refund or credit for any Web Quote Inquiries

  • Route Optimizer: TBD – Currently no fee associated with this service.

Other Fees: 

  • GLAXIS Dispatch Fee: $1.50/Dispatch

  • GLAXIS EDI Fee: $1.00/Accepted Invoice

In the case that another party initiates a fee for features utilized by Licensee and supported by Omega those fees may be added to the Licensee’s weekly bill.

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