Note: To begin using SMS Messaging, please enable SMS messaging from your Account Settings.
Sending and Receiving SMS Messages
You can initiate an SMS conversation from within a work order
From the Jobs screen
And from the Schedule screen
After selecting the "SMS" option, you will see a conversation window. The left pane contains the conversation history, while the right pane contains user-configured templates.
To send a templated message, simply select the template from the right menu and the contents will be automatically placed in the message input. You can verify the message and then select "Send".
To send a manual message, simply enter your message in the "Message" box and then click "Send". Please note there is a 400 character limit imposed on SMS messages sent via Omega EDI.
Customer not receiving SMS messages
Ensure the customer has opted into SMS communication by verifying the "SMS" checkbox next to their primary telephone number is checked.
If a customer has opted out of SMS messages by replying to a message with a STOP keyword (STOP, STOPALL, UNSUBSCRIBE, CANCEL, END, or QUIT) they will no longer be able to receive SMS messages from Omega. They can re-subscribe by sending "START" back.
If no customers are receiving messages, verify that SMS messaging is enabled via Admin > Account Settings