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How to get set up so you can accept credit card payments using NMI

Jon Pimentel avatar
Written by Jon Pimentel
Updated over a week ago

NMI a payment gateway service, which makes accepting credit card payments simple. We're here to answer questions you may have about it so you can get set up and start accepting credit card payments.

How do I link my NMI account with the Omega EDI app?

You are going to need two things from your NMI account:

Your Private Security Key, and your Public Tokenization Key.

1a) Login to your NMI account, and go to the "Security Keys" settings page.

1b) There should already be an auto-generated API key listed under Private Security Keys. You can either use that one as your Private Security Key, or you can create a new one.

If you create a new one, you can name it anything you want. Just make sure you check the API box.

1c) Once you have your Private Security Key, it's time to get a Public Tokenization Key. On that same "Security Keys" page, you should see a section called Public Security Keys. Add a new Public Key, and choose Tokenization for the Key Permission. (The Key Name can be whatever you want)

1d) Once you have your Private Security Key, and your Public Tokenization Key from NMI, login to Omega EDI as an administrator.

2a) From the navigation bar on the left, open the Admin dropdown and select Payment Methods.

2b) Click the

to create a new Payment Method.

2c) From the Type dropdown, select Payment Gateway (NMI).

2d) Add a name for your Payment Method, and enter your NMI Private Security Key and Public Tokenization Key into their respective fields. Click Save.

3) Celebrate!

How do I connect to the card reader?

Note: You do not need to open your Android bluetooth settings to pair the reader to your Android device, and doing so may confuse the app when it tries to scan for available card readers

Method 1: From the payment page (easiest way)

1) From the Technician Mobile App, select the Job you are working on.

2) When you are ready to accept payment from the customer, tap the $ icon, then tap CREATE PAYMENT.

3) From the Payment Method dropdown, select a Payment Method that is of the Payment Gateways (NMI) type, make sure the card reader is on, and then tap CONNECT READER .

4) If this is the first time you have tried to connect to this card reader since installing the Technician Mobile app, it will scan for nearby compatible card readers. Otherwise, skip to step 5.

Give it a moment to finish scanning for nearby card readers, then select your card reader from the dropdown and tap SAVE READER.

The name of your card reader is often the serial number found on the back of the card reader. It might be something along the lines of CHB209227007514.

5) You are connected and ready to capture payment!

Method 2: From the settings menu

1) Open the menu in the top left corner and select Settings

2) Turn on your bluetooth card reader device

3) Select Connect New Card Reader, then BBPOS (NMI)

You should see a message that says "Scanning for Bluetooth devices", then after a few seconds, a message that says "Got devices!"

4) If your card reader didn't automatically fill into the field, select it from the dropdown and tap SAVE READER.

The name of your card reader is often the serial number found on the back of the card reader, and should resemble the example above

Tapping SAVE READER is important because the app remembers the last card reader that connected to it and won't have to scan for card reader devices when you are creating a payment.

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